Cheap” is a horizon most people hate to have to explore. Some others would rather not be associated with “cheap”. There’s always concern surrounding the quality, function and durability of cheap products. But purchasing cheap bongs don't always have to mean sacrificing value or quality. Anyway it's not easy to find a cheap quality water pipe though there are plenty of cool cheap bongs that are great for functionality and performance.
Fortunately the best WD420 Glass has put together a selection of cool bongs under $50,we make sure to provide users with all of the possible price alternatives so that there is something for everyone! You don't have to search endlessly to find an affordable, trustworthy bong. You can find some of the quality bongs under $50, without sacrificing the quality of glass that you deserve. You are also guaranteed to get free shipping anywhere in the USA, regardless of your purchase value. That's right, you'll save a massive amount on bongs and still receive free shipping!
The cheap glass bongs showcased here aren’t from the best bongs out there. However, in terms of quality for price they are the best cheap glass bongs online. For less, you may even think it hits better than that crazy expensive bong your bro just dropped bank on. All of the cool cheap bongs listed here are well under $50 and some are under $25. Ready to cop a steal?
1. Classic Swiss Perc Fab Egg Clear Bong
This mini dab rig by WD420 Glass packs a lot of function into a small package! The smoke feeds through the drip catch to the diffuser before being pulled into the Klein Recycling tube to spin in the upper chamber. After the pull is done the water drains into the lower chamber to start the cycle over again.
This Pipe Bong is a hand-held, lipless, horizontal gravity water-pipe. Using the Jinni Pipe is easy, fill one chamber with water (when tilted) and move water from one chamber to the other by tilting the Jinni in your hand. Cooled by water & air so it’s: Double Cooled-Ultra Smooth. And Lipless technology provides germ-free sessions.
4. Cool Mini Donut Dab Rig
Satisfy that sweet tooth with a tasty bong treat! This delicious donut rig and beaker bong come frosted with a 14mm female joint and four-hole puck perc. Can't forget the toppings! Sprinkled on top is a donut freshly fried for you. Treat Yo self!
5. Multi Perc Sideways Funnel Recycler Bong
The Multi Perc Sideways Funnel Recycler Bong elevates your dabbing experience to the next level with advanced filtration! This scientific dab rig is the perfect choice for dabbers who appreciate fully filtered concentrate vapor.
6. Cheap Freeze Coil Perc Build a Bong Set Water Pipe
This Multi-Piece Bong beaker base piece with open-ended flush mount downstem. Available in a range of coil color options. The Bong Bases and Middles come with one Keck-Clip (White Plastic 45mm K-Clip) so that they can be locked onto the next piece you put above them. Our Multi-Piece Bong Bases, Tops and Middles from WD420 Glass all have standard (45mm) Multi-Piece Bong joints and therefore are very compatible and can be mixed-and-matched with one another.

This Matrix bubbler is intended for tobacco and other legal herb only. It pulls more than its own weight to bring you big and tasty hits. This could easily become your daily hitter thanks to its powerful rips and minimal maintenance. Go as hard as you like on this dependable piece with no splash-back, courtesy of the sidecar mouthpiece.
8. Cool Cheap Colorful Cloud Mouthpiece Bong
This cool cheap dab rigs will certainly be your perfect choice if you are fond of unique shapes and bright colors. The cloud shape above the short neck catches your eyes for its vivid imitation to cloud.
9. Cheap Honeybee Beaker Bongs
This 10 inch HoneyBee Beakers feature a badass beaker bong design with honeycomb and bumblebee decals along the neck and water pipe base. The mini bong comes with a matching glass herb bowl with handle and a removable 14/18mm multi-slit, open-end diffused downstem percolator for smooth tokes. The 3 ice pinches hold your ice to provide a cooling effect on your smoke when needed.
This heavy set bubbler features a ridiculous stereo matrix percolator. Starting with the oversized design, this perc is flame polished for a beautiful shiny finish. The perfect mesh design adds just the right amount of resistance and diffusion. The glass quality is top notch and this bubbler is no different. The clarity and thickness of the glass is amazing, and the colored lip really sets this piece on fire. The dab rig is available in colors pink, purple, green and blue.
Cheap Bongs For Sale Online
There are lots of cheap bongs for sale online, and finding the right one can be tedious. That's why we organized our cheap bongs in different categories to help narrow down your preference. Take a look at the different types of cheap bongs online here at WD420 Glass.
The best cheap bongs are those that are consistent with quality and function for every single use. A cheap bong shouldn't mean you have a lesser smoke experience, instead, you should be able to enjoy your affordable bong for days and weeks to come before it's time to get a new one. All of our inexpensive bongs and water pipes are made available for your choosing!
Where To Buy Cheap Bongs
You no longer have to wonder where to buy cheap bongs when shopping here at WD420 Glass Headshop. From super cheap bongs to cool cheap bongs, we've got it all ready. Simply pick an affordable bong of your choice and toke away!