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5 Cheap Dab Rigs Under $50 In 2021

Nov 04, 2024 1737 0

With the prosperity of herb and dab oil, smoking is not a new phenomenon any more. It becomes more and more popular. A rise in popularity can also mean a rise in cost, but it does not have to. If you want to buy a cheap glass dab rig but with a great function. Then you can check out our guide to smoking on budget. When you are on a tight budget, we know it will be difficult for you to buy a dab rig that fit you perfectly. We also know that it is hard for you to choose from a number of rigs available for a modest price. It is a trouble to going through a web, so we go ahead and lay out some viable options for you and give you more time to do the things you love.


Dab Rigs Under $100

Why spend hundreds of dollars for a piece when you can find affordable dab rigs under $100? Nowadays most of our dab rigs are quality made and cheap. In our website WD420 Glass, you will search for some pretty cool affordable dab rigs under $100, dab rigs under $80 and budget dab rigs under $50. Buy them not only can save your money but also can get you high.


Here are top 5 Cheap Dab Rigs for Sale:

Mini 3D Yellow Honeybee Dab Rig 

You can not get any sweeter and more flavored hits from the other bongs than the yellow honeybee bong. The piece comes with all features to send you buzzing. 

A compact design made from high quality borosilicate glass and yellow honeybee ornaments throughout the piece that give it an exceptional appearance. The mouthpiece on the honeybee themed dab rig is slightly bent backwards, which can enable you to smoke in a more comfortable design. It is a mini dab rig with a showerhead percolator that can filter the airflow better and provide you a wonderful hit. Read More!

Cheap Mobius Sidecar Bubbler Bongs 

The cheap mobius sidecar bubbler bong is ideal for those looking for a compact and sturdy glass bongs that are easily cleaned, transported and stored. It is a nice bubbler that stands 8.6 inches tall and made from 5mm borosilicate glass. 

The classic sidecar bubbler implements a multi-layered matrix perc at the bottom of the chamber, producing 360 degrees of evenly distributed smoke diffusion and water filtration. It features a reinforced sidecar bong neck to help prevent water from reaching the mouthpiece. The side neck provides a comfortable angle for smoking and also prevents any nasty bong water entering your mouth.Read More!Read More! 

Girly Mini Banana Fruit Dab Rig Cool Water Pipe 

The girly banana moutpiece on the glass bongs can give you a refreshed impression. The mini banana fruit bong has three styles that you can choose-- yellow, green and blue.

The cool water pipe with varied colors are tightly connected to the neck tube, in which smoke has easier access to your lungs as your mouth is fully covered by the mouthpiece. The edge of the mouthpiece is carefully polished to prevent any unhappy feelings when your mouth touches the glass. A showerhead percolator provide you a better smoking experience. Read more! 

Glass Recycler Sidecar Bong Honeycomb-Inline Perc Dab Rig 

The unique recycler bong is well designed to allow for maximum diffusion, reasulting in great-tasting, smooth vapor each dab session. When you are smoking, the vapor not only enter the first percolator stereo matrix but also go through the honeycomb percolator. 

The piece comes with a sidecar that can make it comfortable to smoke. It can elevate your dabbing experience to a higher level with advanced filtration. Besides, you can simply remove the dab nail and replace it with a 4mm dry herb bowl and enjoy!  Read more!

Cool Freeze Pipe beaker Bong Coil Perc Waterpipe 

It is a perfect piece for stoners who enjoy ultra-cool hits from freeze bong without the mess of using ice cubes. The beaker shape of the bong is ideal for generating large bong rips and an excellent choice for smokers who enjoy filtration and cool hits. 

The piece features a removable glycerine chill chamber which can be cooled in the freezer for unmatched smoking sessions. The removable piece of condensation coil beaker bong enables smokers to easily detach it and store it in the freezer. Read More!

If you are searching for more cheap dab rigs, please view wd420glass


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