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Main Types of Water Pipes

Nov 04, 2024 2556 0
water pipe

Main Types of Water Pipes

You may get confused to differentiate varied features of water pipes when it comes to the most popular smoking device for smokers. As you may have probably noticed, there are way more names for water pipes such as bong, rig, dab rig etc. It’s totally alright for water pipes to be called in other ways since there are many types of water pipes. But how many types of water pipes do you actually know? This article will help you have a general understanding towards different types of water pipes.

What Are Water Pipes?

Understanding the terminology is very important when it comes to finding that perfect water pipe for you. Water pipe has two synonyms. They are bong and dab rig. Essentially speaking, pipe bongs, glass water pipe bong, bong water pipe, and glass pipe bongs are all the same! People tend to use them interchangeably in a misleading way that often causes misunderstanding and confusion. For most smokers, they suggest it is necessary to have strict definition on those confusing words otherwise it would be a total disaster to those designers who are committed to inspiring and bold water pipes.


Water pipes are precisely what the title suggests: a pipe made from glass. High-quality and premium water pipes such as WD420Glass's water pipes are made from borosilicate and lead-free glass, which is heat resistant and can withstand repetitive use under heat-stress situations without breaking or cracking. All water pipes generally use water to filter smoke, which means that you have to get water filled in your pipes.


Water pipes are bongs which are referred to as filtration devices being used to smoke marijuana or dry cannabis flowers. A water pipe with a water chamber allows for smoke to be optimally cooled down, bringing a much smoother, cleaner, and stronger inhale in a maximized scale. Water pipes are also attractive for those who are looking to get an intense high hits with less marijuana as compared to smoke cannabis with other devices.


Different Types Of Water Pipes At WD420Glass

Ø  Honeycomb Perc Glass Bong Clear Can Bubbler


Double Perc, honeycomb Perc, ice pinch perc

Lead-free glass, 5mm thick glass

Sturdy base and cheap price


Ø  14'' Double Matrix Perc Glass Bong Ice Pinch Water Pipe


Double matrix perc, ice pinch perc

Stereo excellent filtration

Large Base and big mouthpiece

Ø  17'' Large Removable Condenser Coil Bong W/ Tree Perc Beaker Bubbler

Large removable condenser, tree Perc

Coil bong

Water splash guard, premium quality


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